Star Readers Tutors FAQ

From attendance to clearances, we’ve answered the most frequently asked questions below. If you have any questions that are not answered on this page, please contact Madison Spence-Moore at 610-685-4574 or


What if my student is absent?
Your Coordinator may not always be able to contact you ahead of time. If your student is absent, please feel free to join another tutoring group or to work with a student whose tutor is absent.
What if I need to miss a tutoring session?
We understand that you may need to miss one or two sessions per semester. Please contact both your School Coordinator and RSR staff at least 24 hours in advance if you will miss a session, sooner if possible.
How can I find out about school closings due to inclement weather?
Please check the local news stations to find out about school closings due to inclement weather. Please remember that in inclement weather, your Coordinator or RSR staff may not be available to alert or communicate with you.
How can I find out about school closings due to holidays?
Your Coordinator will give you a school calendar to note any other closings that will affect tutoring.

Clearances and Identification

Who do I give my clearances to?
Give a copy of your clearances to your School Coordinator at Orientation. Ready.Set.READ! staff do not need to collect your clearances. You may not begin to tutor until you hand in your clearances to school staff. Keep your original copies of your clearances in a safe place at your home.
Why do I need clearances?
Clearances help keep everyone as safe as possible. Visit our Clearances page for helpful guidance through the process of obtaining your clearances if you haven’t already done so.
Many school districts are using volunteer identification systems that scan a volunteer’s photo id on the first visit. The image is recorded and used to print identification badges each time the volunteer signs in at the office. Be prepared with your valid government issued photo identification card (such as driver’s license) when you go to your school for orientation.